Different Methods of Foundation Repair and What Might Work for You

Something that can become damaged over time is your home’s foundation. When you spot foundation damage, it’s important to make repairs as quickly as possible. If you don’t, the entire structure of your home could end up failing. However, what you may not know is there are actually multiple different methods of foundation repair. Below are a few options that may work for you.

foundation repair
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Slab Jacking

One strategy that has been used for many years is slab jacking also sometimes referred to as mud jacking. This method is best for homes that have concrete foundations that are literally sinking. Slab jacking involves the drilling of holes into the foundation at strategic locations. A hose is then injected into these holes, and then either foam or grout is piped in. The home will begin to rise again after two hours. This strategy is both quick and cost-effective.

Steel Piers

Another option is to implement steel piers. This is often the best choice for houses that have begun to either slope at an odd angle or settle. Steel is of course an excellent choice for its durability and strength. It is designed to last well more than a hundred years and can hold up very heavy structures with ease. As such, it’s a good choice for both stabilizing and repairing a failing foundation.

Concrete Piers

Another common choice for foundation repair is the use of concrete piers. Much like steel piers, concrete piers will give a home some solid support that should last for many years. However, unlike steel, concrete can be mixed in a way to match the soil surrounding your home. This is key because the cracks in a home’s foundation are often caused by pressure from the surrounding soil. Concrete piers do require a lot of labor due to the drilling, digging, and dirt removal involved (but may require obtaining a permit). It may be the best option for homes in either mild or warm climates.

foundation repair
Image from FreePik

Masonry and Sealant Patches

However, you may not need to go to as extreme of a length as installing piers deep into the ground if you discover foundation damage early enough. Cracks in a foundation may be able to be fixed with the use of masonry or sealant patches. Sealants such as silicone, epoxy, hydraulic cement, or vinyl cement may be used.

There are also other strategies involving choices like polyurethane foam, helical piers, and more. However, whatever choice you ultimately choose to repair your foundation, make sure not to wait too long. A failing foundation is not something you can safely ignore. Your entire house could end up being destroyed, or at the very least almost not worth it to repair.

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