5 Ways to Minimize Your Home’s Energy Usage

Did you know your home is responsible for up to 40 percent of your energy usage? If you’re reading this, you will likely live in one. But don’t worry — that also means plenty of ways to reduce the energy your home uses daily. From keeping your thermostat set appropriately to switching off lights when not in a room. Here are five ways to minimize your home’s energy usage.
Change Your Light Bulbs
Fluorescent bulbs are more energy efficient, but the best option is LED. LEDs use a fraction of the power of incandescent bulbs, lasting up to 20 times longer. Plus, many LEDs can be dimmed, which is helpful for mood lighting. This might seem like an insignificant change to make in your home, but replacing every lightbulb around your house can add up and help you save energy and money in the long run. Visit your local hardware store and purchase some energy-efficient light bulbs.
Make Hot Water From Your Kitchen Sink
Instant hot water dispensers use a lot of energy to heat your water, but a much more cost-effective option is using your kitchen sink. All you need is a water heater installed underneath your sink, and you can start pumping out hot water whenever you need it. This is a simple change you can make in your life to reduce your energy usage. If you are using an instant hot water dispenser every day, that energy use can really start to add up.
Keep Your Thermostat Set at Reasonable Temperatures
The ideal indoor temperature for energy savings is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping your thermostat set at a reasonable temperature year-round can save on your energy bills. If you can stand it, you may want to drop the temperature by one or two degrees during the winter. Likewise, you can increase the temperature by a couple of degrees during the summer. This is one of the best ways to save money on your monthly bills.

Turn Off Appliances When Not in Use
One of the most influential and straightforward ways to reduce energy consumption is to turn off lights when they’re not needed. It’s also important to turn off appliances that aren’t in use—turning off your TV when you’re not watching it can reduce your energy consumption by up to 90 percent. You may also need an AC service if you notice your HVAC system is running too often. If you aren’t in your house for long periods of time, you can shut off your AC or heating for a little while to save energy.
Infographic Provided By Solar Panel Installation Company, Sunburst Solar
Install Motion Sensors and Smart Light Switches
Motion sensors can detect when you walk into a room and automatically turn on the lights. Turning off lights is one of the easiest ways to save energy and money in your home, but it’s easy to forget to do it. Motion sensors turn the lights on when you enter a room and turn them off when you leave. You can add these motion sensors in your bathrooms and kitchen or any high-traffic rooms where you may end up leaving the light on even when they aren’t in use.
These five ways to minimize your home’s energy usage are easy to implement and can help save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each year. You don’t even have to make drastic changes to your lifestyle to see results — all that’s required is a little perseverance and a desire to save money.
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