Home Repairs To Consider Before Moving
Now that you are finally ready to move into a new home, you need to keep in mind that every home will not be perfect right from the beginning. No matter the type of home you have chosen, it will require some repairs or sprucing up. It is easy to make the repairs later, but there are some repairs you need to handle before the moving truck arrives. There are a few things that are easier when you do them before you move in, and they can save you a lot of time, effort, and money. You will also see a few home maintenance tasks that the seller would have asked you to handle, and you will have to work on them before you move in.
Yes, these are the un-sexy tasks and the ones that might not make any immediate impact, but you will appreciate handling them well in time. Here are a few things you need to consider before you move.
Look at the crawl spaces and the attic
You need to take a good look at the crawl space and the attic. This is the place that is often ignored even when you are residing in the home, and big problems lurk in the area. If you see any issues here, it is a chance for you to ask for a credit and get it resolved at the earliest. Spending a little money and time on this will help avoid a lot of problems in the long term.
Cosmetic issues
There are some cosmetic issues like old light fixtures which can be handled after the move, but you might want to take care of them beforehand. The experts at Just-In Time in Phoenix, AZ state, “Paint the interior of your home so that it looks appealing. Do not wait until you move as your furniture will have to be shifted and covered which will cause more disruption. Painting is much easier when the home is empty”. Even refinishing the hardwood floor is a good way to handle the cosmetic issues. However, the task can become difficult if you have furniture in the home.
Pests and bugs can be dangerous and annoying to the home and your family. You need to ensure that you get rid of them before you open your boxes after the moving day. Speak to a pest-control specialist to take a look at the house and treat it as soon as possible. Some homes require treatments using dangerous chemicals and they are best handled when nobody is living inside. You can live in the home after a few days, but taking care of it before the move is important.
Cigarette Smell
You can notice the impact on indoor air quality due to the cigarette smell. That said, nobody wants their clothes or furniture smelling of cigarette smoke, and if the previous homeowners were smokers, you might want to get rid of the smoke smell first. Open the doors and windows to ensure that there is circulation of fresh air. You then need to have the air ducts and the carpets professionally cleaned and wipe down the wall and the surfaces using white vinegar.
Structural issues
Most structural problems like water damage, roof issues, sloping floors, drywall damage, or even faulty wiring can harm the property and threaten the safety of your family. In most cases, the home inspector will detect the issues before closing on the home. However, if that isn’t done, speak to an expert to help repair the issues as soon as possible.
Drainage trouble
You might see drainage issues come up in the form of improper downspouts, improperly sloped lawns, clogged gutters, or badly graded paved services. Such problems can damage the foundation of your home and lead to water damage inside the basement. Hence, this is a problem you should fix as soon as you can. Handle it before the move so that your belongings are not damaged by water.
Damaged appliances
Settling in the home can become tough if there are problems with the stoves, washers, refrigerators, dryers, or the air conditioner. You must test the appliances before closing, and if you see any damage, you need to ensure that they are repaired before you move in. This will also allow you to plan if you need a new appliance and how much you will have to spend on it.
Drafty windows
If there are drafty windows in your home, it will impact your ability to keep your home warm in winter and could also allow pollutants to enter. While replacing them can be a time-consuming process, you must do it before it is too late. Start a week before the move and speak to a window expert once you close on the home.
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