6 Common Roofing Issues and How to Fix Them

common roofing issues
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A roof is an essential part of a building, and it’s important that it remains in good condition and doesn’t leak or sustain damage. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that your roofing system must be new and you need a professional to inspect your roof and then repair it, but as long as you pay attention to the signs of wear and tear, you can save yourself some money. Here are six common roofing issues and how you can fix them.

Roof Sagging

Roof sagging is a common problem, especially in older buildings. This is usually caused by shifting the roof decking due to rainwater damage or the removal of support posts. A simple temporary fix can be made by placing shim supports under the edges of the roofing sheets, ensuring they are level with the rest of the decking. Although there are other methods you can use to repair a sagging roof, such as removing and replacing damaged decking and installing new posts, they’re more expensive than a temporary fix.


Finding small leaks on your roof may appear to be a simple task, but there are several different reasons why you might experience water leakage, such as lack of sealing with the decking and even rusting of the nails holding the roofing sheets down. Even small leaks can cause serious problems if left unchecked, so it’s important to find and fix them as soon as possible! If you’re confident it’s not the roof decking causing a leak, try tightening the nails and replacing any damaged sealant.


The seams on the roof can develop cracks over time, but they can be repaired using simple patching methods. The tapered edge of the seam should be patched with new sheeting and wet-mixed with adhesive. Then apply pressure down into the gap until a good bond is formed. A small amount of extra adhesive can also be applied if needed. You don’t need to replace the roof to fix this issue; a few hours of your time is all you’ll need to repair a cracked or broken seam.

Common Roofing Issues
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If you notice cuts on your roof, there are a few methods that you can use to stop the leaks and prevent further damage. You can remove damaged sheeting, repair the cut with cement and then fix it back into place. Or, if you feel confident repairing the cut yourself, try fixing it with PTFE tape, a waterproof sealant that works by locking out water rather than allowing it to escape around the edges. If this method is unsuitable, consider hiring a contractor to repair the damaged roof. Although it’s more expensive to go down this route, a good contractor will be able to make sure you’re getting the best possible result.

Buckling Shingles

Most people are aware of the dangers of sagging roofs and cracked sheets, but you should also be aware of buckling shingles. These sheets are meant to be installed gradually as they start to sag, but sometimes they’re installed too quickly and can warp or buckle. The edges of the sheet will eventually flake off, making a crinkly noise during windy conditions. If you notice buckling shingles, call a professional to repair them, like Heavenly Roofing LLC


Rusting and corrosion are common problems, especially in coastal areas. Roofing sheets can rust if not properly coated and secured to the decking. This problem can be avoided using good quality deck sealant and stainless steel fasteners. You should also regularly check for any damage, especially around the lowest points of your roof. If it’s corroded severely, you may need to replace the sheet or get a contractor to fix it for you.

Fixing these issues yourself can be cheaper than replacing your entire roof, so it’s definitely worth the effort. Be aware of any problems before they get out of control, and you’ll save yourself some money in the long run.

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