3 Reasons You Need to Inspect Your Chimney Before the Fall

The fall season begins when the chimney gets plenty of use due to the warmth it delivers to the interior of the home and the atmosphere it creates for everyone curled up by the fire. That’s why it’s important to inspect the chimney before fall truly sets in to ensure it’s ready to be used as heavily as it could be. If you love having a fire in the fireplace, here are a few of the main reasons you need to inspect your chimney before the fall season.
Look for Damage
If you endured a serious summer storm, or your house is fairly old, it might be worth it to look for damage around your chimney. Loose bricks, signs of being unstable, or any debris that might be caught in the chimney. You might even hire a professional to give a thorough inspection. From the crown to the damper system, there are many areas of the chimney that can have damage that is present, which can lead to water damage or carbon monoxide poisoning if the damage means carbon dioxide isn’t able to escape. Damage may be present if you own an older home where the materials are starting to age and deteriorate, especially in harsh weather conditions. A simple visual inspection can prevent potential chimney problems due to structural damage that goes unnoticed.

Improved Efficiency
If you choose to have a professional inspect your chimney, they may notice that a lot of soot is present or has built up over time, which will require chimney sweeps in order to clear it out. Cleaning out the dirt and grime that has accumulated in the chimney can reduce your heating costs and offer improved efficiency throughout the season since there isn’t a ton of soot blocking up your chimney and preventing smoke from escaping. Fires that burn more efficiently deliver a greater amount of heat to ensure you can stay warm without relying on your heater too heavily as well. This can also be safer for your family because there’s a lower risk of harmful emissions that are released into the building due to soot and creosote that have accumulated over time, as they’ll have a better path to escape through.
Prevent Fires
Chimney inspections also reduce the risk of fires that can occur due to excess creosote that has formed on the inside of the chimney. This chemical compound is highly flammable when you burn wood, according to mychimney.com. A professional can determine if there’s too much creosote present and can use professional-grade cleaners and equipment to remove the build-up. This will also allow you to meet your homeowner’s insurance requirements because most companies require annual chimney inspections and cleanings to be performed.
After you discover the benefits of inspecting your chimney before the fall season, it can make it more of a priority as you prepare your home for the drop in temperatures. As a result, you can enjoy more time spent by the fireplace and have peace of mind knowing your chimney is in good condition and safe to use.
The last thing I want happening to my house is it getting caught in a fire risk. However, since we use our chimney quite often, I can see how this might be more possible to our home than to any other, so I better take your advice. I’ll start looking for any HVAC experts in the area that can help us out with getting that part of our home inspected.